Connie Marsh, 45
I've been running on and off for 30 years. I've been running steady since the training program for the first Rockford Literacy Half Marathon in 2004.
I started running on the high school track team. My coach talked me into entering a road race for fun. I was hooked.
If I could no longer run, I would walk, bike, lift weights, and kayak more.
My favorite run is the Rock Cut trails on a crisp fall day. I also enjoy my annual Christmas morning run back home on the farm especially if there is snow on the ground.
I like to run with Road Crew, the Buddy Group, and the Sunday morning Rock Cut group. Each group keeps me motivated.
My favorite thing to do after a hard workout is walk and enjoy the accomplishment, then shower.
When I'm not running I like to spend time at my cabin up in Wisconsin.
I am inspired just by being around other runners and hearing their stories.
An obstacle or challenge I'm still trying to conquer is dehydration during marathons. In the 2006 Milwaukee Marathon I pushed my pace and didn't drink enough water prior to the race. At mile 19.5 my body decided it had gone far enough. I needed IV's to recover. Not to be deterred, I signed up for the Tucson Marathon eight weeks later. Armed with plenty of fluids I felt strong. I started getting muscle cramps at about mile 20. I knew it was now a race to get to the finish before my legs shut down. At mile 25 I was still on pace to beat four hours but my body decided it had had enough and I went down at mile 25.5. Again, I met the medics. So, I decided to take some time and train hard for the 2007 Chicago Marathon. Yep, the 90 degree Chicago Marathon. Running a marathon in 90 degree heat is probably not recommended for someone having hydration issues. I did finish but that's all I can say. So I continue trying to run a strong marathon.
The local runner I most admire is: too many to mention. Rockford has a great running community with many talented and supportive runners.
To push myself on a run, I try to focus on the next part of the run not the whole run.
My greatest running accomplishment is probably running my first marathon back in 1989 in Chicago. I had no idea how to train. I just built up my mileage and entered the race. I've run many races since then but that was a big step for me.
My next goal is to run another marathon and to survive the trail races this winter.
My advice to other runners is set your own goals, keep running fun, and hydrate.
I plan to run until I become the first 100 year old to complete the State Street Mile. Then I'll take a break.